- Express search
- Drafting an application
- Filing an application to the RUPTO
Overseeing the registration processResponding to non- substantive actions we get from the RUPTOResponding to a provisional refusalRefunding, if the ultimate refusal has been received- Obtaining a trademark registration certificate
• We file your application for registration within 24 hours
• Any prepayments for filing the application are absent
• The whole process is completely online
• Get started now with an express search
Your data is totally protected. You can receive more information and familiarize yourself with our terms of privacy and with consent for using your personal data

Learn more about the service from our video-guides in just 3 minutes
The accurate information given quickly
You have received a complaint
– We will map out a strategy in order to protect your interests. It will be done in narrow terms
– We can help you to respond to the complaint properly. In addition to that, you can be sure that we will be able to elude the financial demand
You are about to create a franchise
– If your purpose is to sign a franchise contract, you have to be a rights holder of the trademark
You intend to place your goods on market-place
– In order to place goods on Wildberries, Lamoda, Ozon, and more, a Form-940 is necessary
– Once you sign the contract with our company, the Form-940 will be sent to you within 24 hours

It is the perfect time for that
Your business is growing rapidly, and you have already invested a lot in it. As a consequence, you are expecting the thriving
Your competitor is using the same brand name
– Annihilate the illegal use of your intellectual property
– Patent attorneys of WikiZnak are able to cease the offense and subsequently sue the financial compensation
The following payments are disposable. They are paid for 10 years of the legal protection you receive. Как правильно сравнить стоимость и набор услуг при выборе бюро
- Comprehensive search
- Drafting an application
- Filing an application to the RUPTO
- Overseeing the registration process
- Responding to non-substantive actions we get from the RUPTO
Responding to a provisional refusalRefunding, if the ultimate refusal has been received- Obtaining a trademark registration certificate
- Comprehensive search
- Drafting an application
- Filing an application to the RUPTO
- Overseeing the registration process
- Responding to non-substantive actions we get from the RUPTO
- Responding to a provisional refusal
- Refunding, if the ultimate refusal has been received
- Obtaining a trademark registration certificate
- Comprehensive search
- Drafting an application
- Filing an application to the RUPTO
- Overseeing the registration process
- Responding to non-substantive actions we get from the RUPTO
- Responding to a provisional refusal
Refunding, if the ultimate refusal has been received- Obtaining a trademark registration certificate
Our clients
There have been more than 600 clients all over the Russian Federation. You are able to receive recommendations from clients that reside in the same region as you do. If your region is absent on the map, you are eligible for a 10% discount.
No results found.
With consideration of ICGS classes
We are able to use either an official speeding up or an unofficial one. The combined ways are also available
Basic terms
The comprehensive search, filing an application
• Express search is fulfilled in 1 hour. You will receive a report crafted by our trademark attorney. In addition to that, you will be able to specify the details with the attorney
• Comprehensive search is fulfilled in 30 hours since you have filled a questionnaire we provide for you. You can learn more about the details here
• The draft of the application will be formed in 6 hours once you have filled the questionnaire. Please note: if the application is crafted incorrectly, it can cause a refusal
48 hours
The formal expertise
The RUPTO is reviewing if all the required documents are provided
1-2 months
The basic expertise
A brand name is being analyzed on whether or not it is in conformity with the law
4-7 months
Drafting a trademark certificate
The term of a trademark certificate validity is 10 years. Nevertheless, you are able to prolong the term endlessly
15-30 days
6-10 months
Speeded up terms
The comprehensive search, filing an application
• Express search is fulfilled in 1 hour. You will receive a report crafted by our trademark attorney. In addition to that, you will be able to specify the details with the attorney
• Comprehensive search is fulfilled in 6 hours since you have filled a questionnaire we provide for you. You can learn more about the details here
• The draft of the application will be formed in 6 hours once you have filled the questionnaire. Please note: if the application is crafted incorrectly, it can cause a refusal
12 hours
The formal expertise
The RUPTO is reviewing if all the required documents are provided
1 day
The basic expertise
A brand name is being analyzed on whether or not it is in conformity with the law
2 months
Drafting a trademark certificate
The term of a trademark certificate validity is 10 years. Nevertheless, you are able to prolong the term endlessly
1 day
2 months and 3 days
Unique conditions (available only for Wikiznak clients)
Additional discounts for you

Production of food and drinks
– 15 express searches for free,
– A specific 15% discount for comprehensive searches,
– A specific 15% discount for a three-dimensional trademark registration

Pharma industry
– A specific 15% discount for patenting,
– A specific 15% discount for a comprehensive search

International business
– A specific 10% discount for international registration,
– A specific 10% discount for a comprehensive search which is provided in foreign countries
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
The process is divided into two steps: the preparatory one and the basic one.
- The preparatory step is fulfilled directly in a patent agency. Your brand name will be analyzed by a trademark attorney. Once the scrutiny is finished, the attorney is going to provide you a report in which chances for successful registration are evaluated. If the risks are non-substantive, the application will be filed to the RUPTO. Otherwise, we provide recommendations for improving the brand name in terms of its possibility for a successful registration.
- The basic step includes reviewing a brand by the RUPTO. There will be an interaction between a patent agency and the RUPTO. Once the reviewing process is finished, the RUPTO either grants legal protection or provides a refusal.
Once an application is filed to the RUPTO, the priority will be claimed. If someone tries to register the same or an extremely similar trademark, the RUPRO, according to the law, will protect the person who has filed his application earlier.
The cost itself consists of two components: the price of our services and the filing fees which are supposed to be paid to the RUPTO.
- The filing fees depend on the quantity of ICGS classes. The more ICGS classes you choose, the higher fees you will be forced to pay. For example, the fees for a trademark claimed for one ICGS class will be 10500 rubles for the expertise (paid immediately) and 12600 rubles for obtaining a trademark certificate (paid once the RUPTO has granted legal protection).
- The price of the Wikiznak services depends on the way you would like to deal with us. The most sensible way is trademark registration with guarantees, which will cost you 850$. However, cheaper and more expensive options are available as well.
- The preparatory step:
- The express search is required 1 hour to be provided.
- The comprehensive search is provided within 24 hours.
- The application is filed to the RUPTO in 12 hours.
- The basic step (reviewing in the RUPTO):
6-12 months.
No, it is not. According to the Russian law, a rights holder is supposed to be either an individual entrepreneur or an entity.
We would like our clients to trust us throughout a whole registration process. As our trademark lawyers and attorneys interact with a client by providing services and giving consultations, a client is able to find out whether or not he (or she) is satisfied with the quality of the services and about the staff.
If a client pays beforehand, he lacks personal experience concerning an interaction with a company, and, as a result, he does not trust it. In order to consider both the client’s interests and the company’s ones, we have decided to fulfill a part of the work with no prepayment.
Obtained legal protection for a trademark will be in force in the Russian Federation.
However, if a client would like to expand the area of legal protection, our lawyers are ready to consult about international trademark registration. The solution can be either a Madrid registration process or a direct interaction with a patent office of a respective country.
The guarantees enable you to return the money you paid for the patent agency services in case if the RUPTO does not grant legal protection.
Please note that trademarks are registered not by a patent agency but by the state institution, the RUPTO. Therefore, we lack 100% guarantees that the outcome will be completely satisfying for us.
The guarantees are included in some of the services packages we offer you. For example, this clause is included in the trademark registration with expanded guarantees for 1000$. If the RUPTO issues a refusal, we will return you the total cost of our services.
If your purpose is to obtain legal protection as soon as possible, you can consider an opportunity for speeded-up trademark registration.
The terms will be reduced from 6-12 months to 2-4 months. You can familiarize yourself with the details here (speeded-up trademark registration).
- Please note: if you need to claim the priority quickly, the speeded-up process is not required. Since the priority is obtained once an application is in the RUPTO, not when legal protection is granted, it does not make any sense to speed up the expertise.
ICGS, or international classification of goods and services, is an international document that contains all existing groups of goods and services described in a certain order. For example, the 25th ICGS class includes the production of clothes, footwear, and hats. The 44th class describes medical services. A trademark is supposed to be registered with regard to specific ICGS classes.
Therefore, we expect an entrepreneur to tell us about his or her occupation more specifically. According to the received information, our trademark attorney will select relevant ICGS classes.
According to the law, you will receive exclusive rights once the RUPTO grants legal protection.
However, the priority is obtained once an application has reached the RUPTO.
Thus, the crucial point we have to consider is whether or not there have been critically similar registered trademarks. If they have, it is better to wait until the process is finished. On the other hand, if there will be no considerable risks, a client can use his brand name once the application filed to the RUPTO.
Please note: it is impossible to be totally sure of the successful outcome. Therefore, we always inform our clients that the use of a trademark before granting legal protection is a risk. The extent of the risks depends on the results of the fulfilled search.
Patent agency WikiZnak is providing its services all over the Russian Federation. We exchange documents and sign contracts via the Internet. An original of the contract is sent by Russian Post or by a courier.
The express search includes scrutiny of trademarks registered in Russia, while the comprehensive one is intended for analyzing wider fields.
- Primarily, during the comprehensive search, the RUPTO bases of pending applications are analyzed.
- Applications filed by internationals applicants also will be considered.
- In addition to that, we will review different intellectual property objects that are protected in Russia. Among them are company names, enterprises names, copyright protected objects, etc.
- The term of fulfilling the comprehensive search is 24 hours.
- If we fulfill the express search, then, a brand name is reviewed via RUPTO registered trademark base.
- A comprehensive search field is wider and includes:
- The mentioned RUPTO registered trademark base;
- RUPTO pending application base;
- Domain names sources;
- Company names bases;
- Enterprises names bases.
We would like our clients to trust us throughout the whole registration process. As our trademark lawyers and attorneys fulfill the comprehensive search, a client is able to find out whether or not he (or she) satisfies with the quality of the services and about the staff.
Moreover, access to the RUPTO pending application base costs only 300 rubles. Learn more about it here.
Thus, fulfilling the comprehensive search for free will not affect the patent agency’s revenue. On the other hand, the approach allows a client an opportunity to familiarize himself with the company and the company’s principles.
There is no doubt, a high-quality search can be fulfilled by only a skillful person who has deep knowledge in intellectual property law: either a trademark attorney or a lawyer. Needless to say, the comprehensive search is a laborious and long-term task.
A vast majority of patent agencies motivate the high cost of their services not by the complication of the search itself, but by expensive access to RUPTO bases. But this is simply not true: everyone is able to get access to the RUPTO pending application base for just 300 rubles (less than 5$). You can learn more here.
Our company policy is primarily about building trusting relationships with clients. That is why the cost of the services mainly consists of the intellectual work of an attorney, and not of false margins.